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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Big News and new art...

You guys might be wondering by now, what my super secret project that I have been mentioning lately this past month? Well, since I just had my first meeting with the people who are involved with that project, I figured now was the time to come out of the closet and reveal the news: I am involved in a college play, entitled 'The Knight of the Burning Pestle!' The same play that was based off a 16th Century written by Francis Beaumont.

Yes sir, folks! I am going to be set designing for a college play so I can put my talents to good use. Remember all those sketches of those forests, streets, rooms, and buildings? Well, those are all ideas for the play which will eventually end up on stage in the coming weeks. 

I'm hoping all that hard earn work will pay off and that everybody involved in the production will do a great job. :)

But anyway, let me direct your attention to the art portion of the post as I share you some of my other recent accomplishments.

Burnes Hogarth practice
Just working on muscle variation with this piece I saw from BH's Anatomy book. I like how I'm getting better with form, posture, face details, etc. This is good practice especially if I want to get better.

Comic book shop ad
For the first time ever, I got to design my very first ad for a local comic book shop in downtown Nyack. As you know, the name of the shop is called 'Funny Business comics', distributer of comics, toys, and Legos. Aside from the contact numbers that I illustrated on the ad, you can also contact them at their local website here:

Amelia Enmity/Bobby Bender comic
Remember when I said that I wanted to developed my very own horror/dark comedy story? Well, I consider this little comic, a beta story. It's not really much, but I'm still glad I did it for laughs. The personality of the characters are so far spot on and the ink job is pretty decent. The only thing I'm not very pleased with was the end panel where Amelia says 'Shut up' first, followed by Bobby Bender's remark after that. You see, it's suppose to be the other way around. I think after I get some set designing work out of the way, I'm going probably redraw this so I can declare my best work 100%.

That's just about it for tonight folks. Hope to hear back soon. ;)

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