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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

attack of the zombie sketches!!!

These past few days have been nothing but school business for me. I have been studying for exams, preparing essays, getting my assignments done and all sorts of nonsense. :P

Luckily, I was able to retain my sanity by drawing more zombies and experimenting with some styles through drawing Tony Moore's zombies. ;)

As you can see, after I copied some more zombies from the Walking Dead book, I attempted at drawing my own zombies which can be found on the right, both at the top and bottom corners.

Again, pretty much did the same process, but only managed to attempt at drawing one of my own ala sketch.

Here's where I attempt at redrawing a few to get a better handle on the zombies' shading and style. I'm even managed to get past the blood and guts part of drawing zombies. ;)

And of course, I wanted to expand on my appreciation for Mike Mignola that I had to draw some of his art. This was done Friday and Saturday when I found a cover to the latest Hellboy issue, The Fury. I have not read it yet, but after copying this cover, I must get my hands on it. :D

Also, as of this coming Friday, I am going to Comic Con NYC with my brother. I'm gonna be down there for a good chunk of the day and hopefully get in touch with some of my favorite artists and actors and writers and get their autographs. ;)

Catch you soon.

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